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 Special Issue on The Sustainable Development Goals

Notice Board

Call For Paper:

Vol. 7, October, Issue 7

Paper Submission  Deadline : 30th  October 2024

Vol. 7,  Special Issue(Bi-yearly)

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Abstract:- With more graduates wanting to further their education, it becomes increasingly challenging to get into the students'dream colleges. Recently graduated understudies are frequently unaware of the requirements and procedures for postgraduateaffirmation, and they may have spent a significant amount of money on consulting firms to aid them in determining theiraffirmation options. However, given the limited number of universities that a human adviser may assess, this strategy may bebiased. In this regard, the question of understudy confirmation is critical in educational institutions. To be approved as anexpert programmer in their chosen field, each student must achieve the college's highest requirements. This research focuseson a machine learning model that predicts when an understudy will be admitted to an expert's program. This will enableunderstudies to be aware of whether or not they will have the opportunity to be recognized ahead of time. In this research, themachine learning model used is simple direct relapse.KEYWORDS: Machine Learning, Programming, Post-graduation

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