Abstract:it’s a composite structural material made up of tiny portions of cement mortarstrengthened by many layers of steel wire mesh positioned closely together.Because of the low self-weight, there is no need for more specialized labour orformwork in the construction business.
Hexagonalwire meshes, welded wire meshes, woven wire meshes, expanded metal meshes, andthree-dimensional meshes are all employed in Ferro-cement. A multi-layeredchicken wire construction can be used to create the desired shape, which canthen be reinforced with steel wire or steel bars if necessary. A suitablemixture of cement, sand, and water is spread over the completed framework. TheFerro-cement is kept moist throughout hardening to ensure that it sets andhardens properly. When compared to R.C.C., the quantity of PEB required inbuilding construction is significantly smaller. As a result, the dead load of aPEB structure is decreased by at least 50%. As a result, the foundation cost islowered. When the cost-time for each material used in the building industry wascompared, it was discovered that the material that comprises The most suitablealternative to the existing traditional approach such reinforced cementconcrete is the construction method, new techniques, and installation process.
Keywords- Resonance converter; DC supply;half bridge LCC resonance converters