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 Special Issue on The Sustainable Development Goals

Notice Board

Call For Paper:

Vol. 7, October, Issue 6

Paper Submission  Deadline : 30th  October 2024

Vol. 7,  Special Issue(Bi-yearly)

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Invites Proposal for



Abstract: Inthe present-day cloud computing data service utilization of identical andentrepreneur enormous computational power and scalability over data storagefacilities to encourage big data utility applications power domains likeinsurance, public Health Care, and Research and Development areas needs to focuson Security attributes. An electronic insurance record or sensitive personalhealth record or client-specific personal information needs to get safeguardedfrom another id third party uses of the public cloud which could be done byadopting data transformation schemes. In conventional systems, data retrievalof data stored in public clouds could be handled with the same formatted data.The keyword-based searching mechanism couldn't be effectively driven if thedata uses don't follow the same formatted data that is been stored in the datastore off the cloud. To the present circumstances wherein data needs to getencrypted and preserved in the data store of the database as well data userscould be in a situation to search the data with the daily utility formatsirrespective of the format stored in the data store. In this project, werecommend proposing a multiple keyword top-k searching mechanism to engage inencrypted data formats effectively and efficiently inter not violating thesecurity policies.This index-based structural multi-keyword search can beeffectively performed over encrypted data formats only when searching keywordsand data storage format should come to oneness in the runtime without losingthe security precautions taken over the data. In the proposed securemulti-keyword search mechanism with the tree-indexing facilitates a significantand effective system in such a way we can emphasize preventing the privacybreaches, data scalability, and time effectiveness in search query keyword processingcould be achieved. To enhance the security policies we move ahead bymodularizing the whole data into sub-parts and perform encryption then storedso that when data users attempt to retrieve the very same data could be done ina segment-based manner so that reliability and trust on the stored datahappens.

Keywords:-Cloudcomputing, multi-keyword top-k search ,privacy preserving, random traversal,data encryption.

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